Access control
Enforcing role-based access

Enforcing role-based access

Use case

We want to manage user access to different data depending on their role. In the recipe below, a user with the operator role can only view processing orders from a shop and a manager can only view shipped and completed orders.


To implement role-based access, we will use a JSON Web Token with role information in the payload, and the queryRewrite extension point to manage data access.

Let's add the role verification in the cube.js file.

module.exports = {
  queryRewrite: (query, { securityContext }) => {
    if (!securityContext.role) {
      throw new Error("No role found in Security Context!");
    if (securityContext.role == "manager") {
        member: "orders.status",
        operator: "equals",
        values: ["shipped", "completed"],
    if (securityContext.role == "operator") {
        member: "orders.status",
        operator: "equals",
        values: ["processing"],
    return query;


To get the number of orders as a manager or operator, we will send two identical requests with different JWTs:

  "iat": 1000000000,
  "exp": 5000000000,
  "role": "manager"
  "iat": 1000000000,
  "exp": 5000000000,
  "role": "operator"


We have received different data depending on the user's role.

// Manager
    "orders.status": "completed",
    "orders.count": "3346",
    "orders.status": "shipped",
    "orders.count": "3300",
// Operator
    "orders.status": "processing",
    "orders.count": "3354",

Source code

Please feel free to check out the full source code (opens in a new tab) or run it with the docker-compose up command. You'll see the result, including queried data, in the console.