Configuration options

Configuration options

Following configuration options can be defined either using Python, in a file, or using JavaScript, in a cube.js file.

Note that configuration options follow the snake case (opens in a new tab) convention in Python (base_path) and the camel case (opens in a new tab) convention in JavaScript (basePath).

Every configuration option that is a function (e.g., query_rewrite) can be defined as either synchronous or asynchronous. Cube will await for the completion of asynchronous functions.

It's wise to make functions that are called on each request as fast as possible to minimize the performance hit. Consider using caching when applicable and performing calculations outside of these functions.

Data model


Path to data model files.


This configuration option can also be set using the CUBEJS_SCHEMA_PATH environment variable. The default value is model.

Use repositoryFactory for multitenancy or when a more flexible setup is needed.


It's a multitenancy option.

context_to_app_id is a function to determine an app id which is used as caching key for various in-memory structures like data model compilation results, etc.

Called on each request.



This option allows to customize the repository for Cube data model files. It is a function, which accepts a context object and can dynamically provide data model files. Learn more about it in multitenancy.

Called only once per app_id.

You can use convenient file_repository implementation to read files from a specified path:


You can also provide file contents directly, e.g., after fetching them from a remote storage or via an API:



schema_version can be used to tell Cube that the data model should be recompiled in case it depends on dynamic definitions fetched from some external database or API.

This method is called on each request however RequestContext parameter is reused per application ID as determined by context_to_app_id. If the returned string is different, the data model will be recompiled. It can be used in both multi-tenant and single tenant environments.



Maximum number of compiled data models to persist with in-memory cache. Defaults to 250, but optimum value will depend on deployed environment. When the max is reached, will start dropping the least recently used data models from the cache.



Maximum length of time in ms to keep compiled data models in memory. Default keeps data models in memory indefinitely.



Setting update_compiler_cache_keep_alive to True keeps frequently used data models in memory by reseting their max_compiler_cache_keep_alive every time they are accessed.



Boolean to enable or disable a check duplicate property names in all objects of a data model. The default value is false, and it is means the compiler would use the additional transpiler for check duplicates.


Query cache & queue


The cache and queue driver to use for the Cube deployment. Defaults to memory in development, cubestore in production.


This configuration option can also be set using the CUBEJS_CACHE_AND_QUEUE_DRIVER environment variable.


In versions of Cube prior to v0.29, each tenant would have an individual instance of the query orchestrator.

context_to_orchestrator_id is a function used to determine a caching key for the query orchestrator instance. The query orchestrator holds database connections, execution queues, pre-aggregation table caches. By default, the same instance is used for all tenants; override this property in situations where each tenant requires their own Query Orchestrator.

Please remember to override pre_aggregations_schema if you override context_to_orchestrator_id. Otherwise, you end up with table name clashes for your pre-aggregations.

Called on each request.



A function to provide a custom configuration for the data source driver.

Called once per data_source for every orchestrator id.

Should be used to configure data source connections dynamically in multitenancy.

Not recommended to be used when multiple data sources can be configured statically. Use CUBEJS_DATASOURCES and decorated environment variables in that case.

In Python, should return a dictionary; in JavaScript, should return an object. It should contain the type element corresponding to data source type and other options that will be passed to a data source driver. You can lookup supported options in the drivers' source code (opens in a new tab).


In JavaScript, custom driver implementations can also be loaded:

const VeryCustomDriver = require('cube-custom-driver');
module.exports = {
  driverFactory: ({ securityContext, dataSource }) => {
    return new VeryCustomDriver({
      /* options */


We strongly recommend leaving these options set to the defaults. Changing these values can result in application instability and/or downtime.

You can pass this object to set advanced options for the query orchestrator.

OptionDescriptionDefault Value
continueWaitTimeoutLong polling interval in seconds, maximum is 905
rollupOnlyModeWhen enabled, an error will be thrown if a query can't be served from a pre-aggregation (rollup)false
queryCacheOptionsQuery cache options for DB queries{}
queryCacheOptions.refreshKeyRenewalThresholdTime in seconds to cache the result of refresh_key checkdefined by DB dialect
queryCacheOptions.backgroundRenewControls whether to wait in foreground for refreshed query data if refresh_key value has been changed. Refresh key queries or pre-aggregations are never awaited in foreground and always processed in background unless cache is empty. If true it immediately returns values from cache if available without refresh_key check to renew in foreground.false
queryCacheOptions.queueOptionsQuery queue options for DB queries{}
preAggregationsOptionsQuery cache options for pre-aggregations{}
preAggregationsOptions.maxPartitionsThe maximum number of partitions each pre-aggregation in a cube can use.10000
preAggregationsOptions.queueOptionsQuery queue options for pre-aggregations{}
preAggregationsOptions.externalRefreshWhen running a separate instance of Cube to refresh pre-aggregations in the background, this option can be set on the API instance to prevent it from trying to check for rollup data being current - it won't try to create or refresh them when this option is truefalse

queryCacheOptions are used while querying database tables, while preAggregationsOptions settings are used to query pre-aggregated tables.

Setting these options is highly discouraged as these are considered to be system-level settings. Please use CUBEJS_ROLLUP_ONLY, CUBEJS_DB_QUERY_TIMEOUT, and CUBEJS_CONCURRENCY environment variables instead.

Timeout and interval options' values are in seconds.

OptionDescriptionDefault Value
concurrencyMaximum number of queries to be processed simultaneosly. For drivers with connection pool CUBEJS_DB_MAX_POOL should be adjusted accordingly. Typically pool size should be at least twice of total concurrency among all queues.2
executionTimeoutTotal timeout of single query600
orphanedTimeoutQuery will be marked for cancellation if not requested during this period.120
heartBeatIntervalWorker heartbeat interval. If 4*heartBeatInterval time passes without reporting, the query gets cancelled.30



Database schema name to use for storing pre-aggregations.

Either string or function can be passed. Providing a function allows to set the schema name dynamically depending on the security context.

Defaults to dev_pre_aggregations in development mode and prod_pre_aggregations in production.

This configuration option can also be set using the CUBEJS_PRE_AGGREGATIONS_SCHEMA environment variable.

It's strongly recommended to use different pre-aggregation schemas in development and production environments to avoid pre-aggregation table clashes.

Cube will wipe out the contents of this database schema before use. It shall be used exclusively by Cube and shall not be shared with any application.

Called once per app_id.



This is merely a refresh worker's heartbeat. It doesn't affect the freshness of pre-aggregations or refresh keys, nor how frequently Cube accesses the database. Setting this value to 30s doesn't mean pre-aggregations or in-memory cache would be refreshed every 30 seconds but instead refresh key is checked for freshness every 30 seconds in the background. Please consult the cube refresh_key documentation and pre-aggregation refresh_key documentation on how to set data refresh intervals.

Setting this variable enables refresh worker mode, which means it shouldn't usually be set to any constant number but depend on your cluster environment. Setting it to the constant value in the cluster environment will lead to the instantiation of Refresh Worker on every Cube instance of your cluster, including API ones. This will usually lead to refreshing race conditions and to out of memory errors.

Cube enables background refresh by default using the CUBEJS_REFRESH_WORKER environment variable.


Best practice is to run scheduled_refresh_timer in a separate worker Cube instance.

You may also need to configure scheduledRefreshTimeZones and scheduledRefreshContexts.


This option specifies a list of time zones that pre-aggregations will be built for. It has impact on pre-aggregation matching.

Either an array or function returning an array can be passed. Providing a function allows to set the time zones dynamically depending on the security context.

Time zones should be specified in the TZ Database Name (opens in a new tab) format, e.g., America/Los_Angeles.


The default value is a list of a single time zone: UTC.

This configuration option can also be set using the CUBEJS_SCHEDULED_REFRESH_TIMEZONES environment variable.


When trying to configure scheduled refreshes for pre-aggregations that use the securityContext inside context_to_app_id or context_to_orchestrator_id, you must also set up scheduled_refresh_contexts. This will allow Cube to generate the necessary security contexts prior to running the scheduled refreshes.

Leaving scheduled_refresh_contexts unconfigured will lead to issues where the security context will be undefined. This is because there is no way for Cube to know how to generate a context without the required input.




This is a security hook to check your query just before it gets processed. You can use this very generic API to implement any type of custom security checks your app needs and rewrite input query accordingly.

Called on each request.

For example, you can use query_rewrite to add row-level security filter, if needed:


Raising an exception would prevent a query from running:


Currently, there's no built-in way to access the data model metadata in query_rewrite. Please track this issue (opens in a new tab) and read about a workaround (opens in a new tab).


Setting allow_ungrouped_without_primary_key to True disables the primary key inclusion check for ungrouped queries.


This configuration option can also be set using the CUBEJS_ALLOW_UNGROUPED_WITHOUT_PRIMARY_KEY environment variable.

When query pushdown in the SQL API is enabled via the CUBESQL_SQL_PUSH_DOWN environment variable, this option is enabled as well for the best user experience.



The base path for the REST API.


The default value is /cubejs-api.


CORS settings for the Cube REST API can be configured by providing an object with options from here (opens in a new tab):



The base path for the WebSocket server.


The default value is / (the root path).


This property controls how often WebSocket client subscriptions are refreshed. Defaults to 5000.



This function is used to select accessible API scopes and effectively allow or disallow access to REST API endpoints, based on the security context.

Security context is provided as the first argument. An array of scopes that was set via CUBEJS_DEFAULT_API_SCOPES is provided as the second argument.

Called on each request.



This function is used to extend the security context with additional data.

Called on each request.

It should return an object which gets appended to the request context, an object that contains securityContext and that is passed as an argument to other functions like context_to_app_id or repository_factory.

When using extend_context, you should also define context_to_app_id so that all possible values of the extended context are reflected in the app id.


You can use the custom value from extend context in your data model like this:

{% set securityContext = COMPILE_CONTEXT['securityContext'] %}
  - name: users
    sql: >
      SELECT *
      FROM users
      WHERE organization_id={{ securityContext['active_organization'] }}

extend_context is applied only to requests that go through APIs. It isn't applied to refresh worker execution. If you're looking for a way to provide global environment variables for your data model, please see the execution environment documentation.


Used in the REST API. Default implementation parses the JSON Web Token (opens in a new tab) in the Authorization header, verifies it, and sets its payload to the securityContext. Read more about JWT generation.

Called on each request.

You can return an object with the security_context field if you want to customize SECURITY_CONTEXT.

You can use empty check_auth function to disable built-in security or raise an exception to fail the authentication check.


Currently, raising an exception would result in an HTTP response with the status code 500 for Cube Core and 403 for Cube Cloud. Please track this issue (opens in a new tab).


  jwt: {
    jwkUrl?: ((payload: any) => string) | string;
    key?: string;
    algorithms?: string[];
    issuer?: string[];
    audience?: string;
    subject?: string;
    claimsNamespace?: string;
OptionDescriptionEnvironment variable
jwkUrlURL from which JSON Web Key Sets (JWKS) can be retrievedCan also be set using CUBEJS_JWK_URL
keyJSON string that represents a cryptographic key. Similar to CUBEJS_API_SECRETCan also be set using CUBEJS_JWT_KEY
algorithmsAny supported algorithm for decoding JWTs (opens in a new tab)Can also be set using CUBEJS_JWT_ALGS
issuerIssuer value which will be used to enforce the iss claim from inbound JWTs (opens in a new tab)Can also be set using CUBEJS_JWT_ISSUER
audienceAudience value which will be used to enforce the aud claim from inbound JWTs (opens in a new tab)Can also be set using CUBEJS_JWT_AUDIENCE
subjectSubject value which will be used to enforce the sub claim from inbound JWTs (opens in a new tab)Can also be set using CUBEJS_JWT_SUBJECT
claimsNamespaceNamespace within the decoded JWT under which any custom claims can be foundCan also be set using CUBEJS_JWT_CLAIMS_NAMESPACE


Used in the SQL API. Default implementation verifies user name and password from environment variables: CUBEJS_SQL_USER, CUBEJS_SQL_PASSWORD, but in development mode it ignores validation.

Called on each new connection to Cube SQL API, on change user by SET USER or __user field, every CUBESQL_AUTH_EXPIRE_SECS.

For example, you can use check_sql_auth to validate username and password. password argument is provided only when new connections are established. check_sql_auth implementation should gracefully handle missing password field to handle change user and re-authentication flows. check_sql_auth should always return password as it used for validation of password provided by user. If clear text password can't be obtained, best practice is to return password provided as an argument after password validation. Only security context is used for change user and re-authentication flows so returned password isn't checked in this case.


Check this recipe for an example of using check_sql_auth to authenticate requests to the SQL API with LDAP.


Used in the SQL API. Default implementation depends on CUBEJS_SQL_SUPER_USER and returns true when it's equal to session's user.

Called on each change request from Cube SQL API.

For example, you can use can_switch_sql_user to define your custom logic:



Used by data access policies. This option is used to derive a list of data access roles from the security context.


If the user roles mapping in the LDAP integration is configured and the authentication integration is enabled, the context_to_roles option might be defined as follows:




A function to define a custom logger.

Accepts the following arguments:

  • message: the message to be logged
  • params: additional parameters

See also the CUBEJS_LOG_LEVEL environment variable.


Cube collects high-level anonymous usage statistics for servers started in development mode. It doesn't track any credentials, data model contents or queries issued. This statistics is used solely for the purpose of constant cube.js improvement.

You can opt out of it any time by setting telemetry option to False or, alternatively, by setting CUBEJS_TELEMETRY environment variable to false.




dbType is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use driverFactory instead.

Data source type. Called only once per appId.

module.exports = {
  // string
  dbType: 'snowflake',
  // function
  dbType: ({ securityContext }) => 'databricks',

Either string or function could be passed. Providing a Function allows to dynamically select a database type depending on the security context. Usually used for multitenancy.

If not defined, Cube will lookup for environment variable CUBEJS_DB_TYPE to resolve the data source type.