
REST API reference

REST API provides the following endpoints.


Get the data for a query.

queryEither a single URL encoded Cube Query, or an array of queries
queryTypeIf multiple queries are passed in query for data blending, this must be set to multi


  • query - The query passed via params. It can be an array of queries and in such case it will be treated as a Data Blending query.
  • data - Formatted dataset of query results.
  • annotation - Metadata for query. Contains descriptions for all query items.
    • title - Human readable title from the data model.
    • shortTitle - Short title for visualization usage (ex. chart overlay)
    • type - Data type
  • total - The total number of rows returned for the query. Useful for paginating results.

Example request:

# Request with http method GET
curl \
  -H "Authorization: EXAMPLE-API-TOKEN" \
  -G \
  --data-urlencode 'query={"measures":["users.count"]}' \

# Request with http method POST
# Use POST to fix problem with query length limits
curl \
 -X POST  \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -H "Authorization: EXAMPLE-API-TOKEN" \
 --data '{"query": {"measures":["users.count"]}}' \

Example response:

  "query": {
    "measures": ["users.count"],
    "filters": [],
    "timezone": "UTC",
    "dimensions": [],
    "timeDimensions": []
  "data": [
      "users.count": "700"
  "annotation": {
    "measures": {
      "users.count": {
        "title": "Users Count",
        "shortTitle": "Count",
        "type": "number"
    "dimensions": {},
    "segments": {},
    "timeDimensions": {}

Currently all fetched numericals are returned in the same format as driver returns it without any additional processing. Most of drivers return numerical values as strings instead of javascript integer or float to ensure there's no loss of significance. Client code should take care of parsing such numerical values.


Get the SQL Code generated by Cube to be executed in the database.

queryURLencoded Cube Query


  • sql - JSON Object with the following properties
    • sql - Formatted SQL query with parameters
    • order - Order fields and direction used in SQL query
    • cacheKeyQueries - Key names and TTL of Cube data cache
    • preAggregations - SQL queries used to build pre-aggregation tables

Example request:

curl \
  -H "Authorization: EXAMPLE-API-TOKEN" \
  -G \
  --data-urlencode 'query={"measures":["users.count"],
  "timeDimensions":[{"dimension": "users.createdAt","granularity":"day","dateRange":["2019-03-01","2019-03-31"]}]}' \

Example response:

  "sql": {
    "sql": [
      "SELECT\n      date_trunc('day', (users.created_at::timestamptz AT TIME ZONE 'UTC')) \"users.created_at_date\", count( \"users.count\"\n    FROM\n      public.users AS users\n  WHERE (users.created_at >= $1::timestamptz AND users.created_at <= $2::timestamptz) GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1 ASC LIMIT 10000",
      ["2019-03-01T00:00:00Z", "2019-03-31T23:59:59Z"]
    "timeDimensionAlias": "users.created_at_date",
    "timeDimensionField": "users.createdAt",
    "order": [
        "id": "users.createdAt",
        "desc": false
    "cacheKeyQueries": {
      "queries": [
        ["select max(users.created_at) from public.users AS users", []]
      "renewalThreshold": 21600
    "preAggregations": []


Get meta-information for cubes and views defined in the data model. Information about cubes and views with public: false will not be returned.


  • cubes - Array of cubes and views
    • name - Codename of the cube/view
    • type - Type can be "cube" or "view"
    • title - Human-readable cube/view name
    • meta - Custom metadata
    • measures - Array of measures in this cube/view
    • dimensions - Array of dimensions in this cube/view
    • segments - Array of segments in this cube/view
    • connectedComponent - An integer representing a join relationship. If the same value is returned for two cubes, then there is at least one join path between them.

Example request:

curl \
  -H "Authorization: EXAMPLE-API-TOKEN" \
  -G \

Example response:

  "cubes": [
      "name": "Users",
      "title": "Users",
      "meta": {
          "someKey": "someValue",
          "nested": {
            "someKey": "someValue"
      "connectedComponent": 1,
      "measures": [
          "name": "users.count",
          "title": "Users Count",
          "shortTitle": "Count",
          "aliasName": "users.count",
          "type": "number",
          "aggType": "count",
          "drillMembers": ["", "", "users.createdAt"]
      "dimensions": [
          "name": "",
          "title": "Users City",
          "type": "string",
          "aliasName": "",
          "shortTitle": "City",
          "suggestFilterValues": true
      "segments": []


Trigger pre-aggregation build jobs or retrieve statuses of such jobs.

Triggering jobs

actionUse post to trigger jobs
selector.contextsArray of objects, each containing a securityContext
selector.timezonesArray of timezones
selector.datasourcesArray of data source names which have pre-aggregations defined
selector.cubesArray of cube names which contain pre-aggregations
selector.preAggregationsArray of pre-aggregation names

To trigger pre-aggregation builds, send a POST request with a payload including post as the action and selector properties. The response will contain an array of tokens (identifiers) of triggered jobs.

Example request triggering builds of all pre-aggregations defined in all cubes using an empty security context and a UTC timezone:

curl \
  -d '{
    "action": "post",
    "selector": {
      "contexts": [{ "securityContext": {} }],
      "timezones": ["UTC"]
  }' \
  -H "Authorization: EXAMPLE-API-TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -X POST \

Example request triggering builds of all pre-aggregations defined in the orders cube using an empty security context and a UTC timezone:

curl \
  -d '{
    "action": "post",
    "selector": {
      "contexts": [{ "securityContext": {} }],
      "timezones": ["UTC"],
      "cubes": ["orders"]
  }' \
  -H "Authorization: EXAMPLE-API-TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -X POST \

Example request triggering builds of the main pre-aggregation defined in the orders cube using an empty security context and a UTC timezone:

curl \
  -d '{
    "action": "post",
    "selector": {
      "contexts": [{ "securityContext": {} }],
      "timezones": ["UTC"],
      "preAggregations": ["orders.main"]
  }' \
  -H "Authorization: EXAMPLE-API-TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -X POST \

Example response:


Retrieving statuses of jobs

actionUse get to retrieve statuses of previously triggered jobs
tokensArray of tokens returned when triggering jobs
resTypeUse object to get a JSON object instead of an array in response

To retrieve statuses of previously triggered jobs, send a POST request with a payload including the tokens property.

Example request:

curl \
  -d '{
    "action": "get",
    "tokens": [
  }' \
  -H "Authorization: EXAMPLE-API-TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -X POST \

Example response:

    "token": "e9a6a0c55885cea5371348500ce7d7dc",
    "table": "prod_pre_aggregations.orders_category_and_date_hod0x3hf_03krd5ns_1hop3hn",
    "status": "processing",
    "selector": {
      "cubes": ["orders"],
      "preAggregations": ["orders.category_and_date"],
      "contexts": [{ "securityContext": { "tenant": "tenant_1" } }],
      "timezones": ["UTC"],
      "dataSources": ["default"]
    "token": "d1329b6c8d152e734fc4dcf7307b1b58",
    "table": "prod_pre_aggregations.orders_category_and_date_mzfp445f_r2h2isa5_1hop3hn",
    "status": "processing",
    "selector": {
      "cubes": ["orders"],
      "preAggregations": ["orders.category_and_date"],
      "contexts": [{ "securityContext": { "tenant": "tenant_1" } }],
      "timezones": ["UTC"],
      "dataSources": ["default"]
    "token": "6f4ea38373663fffc4334a576574845b",
    "table": "prod_pre_aggregations.orders_category_and_date_hod0x3hf_03krd5ns_1hop3hn",
    "status": "missing_partition",
    "selector": {
      "cubes": ["orders"],
      "preAggregations": ["orders.category_and_date"],
      "contexts": [{ "securityContext": { "tenant": "tenant_1" } }],
      "timezones": ["UTC"],
      "dataSources": ["default"]
    "token": "ea903b10634b2f3141b35a2529870e89",
    "table": "prod_pre_aggregations.orders_category_and_date_mzfp445f_r2h2isa5_1hop3hn",
    "status": "missing_partition",
    "selector": {
      "cubes": ["orders"],
      "preAggregations": ["orders.category_and_date"],
      "contexts": [{ "securityContext": { "tenant": "tenant_1" } }],
      "timezones": ["UTC"],
      "dataSources": ["default"]


Returns the ready state of the deployment.

Single-tenant: Ensures the orchestration layer is operational and tests the connection to the default dataSource.

Multi-tenant: Tests connections per-tenant. If no connections exist, it will report as successful.

Example of a successful request:

curl -i http://localhost:4000/readyz
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Powered-By: Express
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 19
ETag: W/"13-MyluqxoYxC0tUxBeZCnbaWYVLhg"
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2021 15:39:57 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Keep-Alive: timeout=5


Example of a failed response:

curl -i http://localhost:4000/readyz
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
X-Powered-By: Express
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 19
ETag: W/"13-MyluqxoYxC0tUxBeZCnbaWYVLhg"
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2021 15:39:57 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Keep-Alive: timeout=5



Returns the liveness state of the deployment. This is confirmed by testing any existing connections to dataSource. If no connections exist, it will report as successful.

Example of a successful response:

curl -i http://localhost:4000/livez
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Powered-By: Express
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 19
ETag: W/"13-MyluqxoYxC0tUxBeZCnbaWYVLhg"
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2021 15:39:57 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Keep-Alive: timeout=5


Example of a failed response:

curl -i http://localhost:4000/livez
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
X-Powered-By: Express
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 19
ETag: W/"13-MyluqxoYxC0tUxBeZCnbaWYVLhg"
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2021 15:39:57 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Keep-Alive: timeout=5
