Recently, we've been exploring Cube Cloud infrastructure options and how to choose the right configuration for your needs. Just to recap, shared infrastructure is the most popular and cost-effective option while dedicated infrastructure is a better fit for enterprise use cases.

Today, we're rolling out a small yet a very impactful update to the Monitoring Integrations feature. Previously, only customers on dedicated infrastructure had access to this feature. Now, all customers on the Enterprise plan can use Monitoring Integrations regardless of whether they use dedicated or shared infrastructure. We believe that it would help a larger share of Cube Cloud customers integrate it with their existing observability solutions.

What is Monitoring Integrations?

Monitoring Integrations is a Cube Cloud feature that allows exporting logs and metrics to external monitoring tools so you can leverage your existing observability stack and retain logs and metrics there for the long term.


Under the hood, Cube Cloud uses Vector, an open-source tool for collecting and delivering monitoring data. It supports a wide range of destinations, including but definitely not limited to Amazon CloudWatch, Amazon S3, Datadog, Grafana Cloud, New Relic, etc. You can find configuration reference and guides in the documentation.

Watch this demo video to learn more:

How to use

Monitoring Integrations is an add-on feature available to Cube Cloud customers on Enterprise and Enterprise Premier plans. There is also a number of Monitoring Integrations tiers that are capped by exported data per month; for reference, the X-Small tier provides 10 GB/mo of exported data and consumes 1 CCU/hour.

If you're already on Enterprise plan, you can enable and start using Monitoring Integrations today. If you'd like to upgrade fron another plan or start using Cube Cloud, please get in touch with us.